Learn the how to booty dance and the basics of urban dance. Gain more confidence on the dance floor and learn to shake your ass like a true booty shaker. The Booty Basics says with a little instruction anyone can dance!
While we admit the Wobble isn't the most sophisticated name for a dance, in practice its actually very sexy and infinitely bootylicious. If you've ever seen a Beyonce music video - or really any R&B/hip hop video with girls in booty shorts and low-cut tank tops - then you've witnessed the glory of the Wobble. Part Hustle and part gyrating, this dance will not only make you look like a goddess, but will also help sculpt your midsection and lower body into tightened perfection.
As strange as it may seem, the Hustle "Wobble" is actually a form of line dancing. But rather than tossing your cowboy hat on and your boots for an old West rendition of the Cowboy Boogie, the Hustle Wobble is more about shakin' what your mama gave you and getting down with your bad self.
Learn how to twerk your booty! This is a great video that shows you exactly how you can execute a picture perfect booty twerk. You'll rule the scene the next time you go out dancing with your friends, just master these easy and basic moves in no time at all!
Want to look effortlessly cool? Well, then you're ironically going to have to put a lot of effort into practicing your breakdance and/or hip hop moves.
You know how Justin Timberlake gets the ladies? Well, other than the fact that he's a majorly hot musician, the guy's got smooth moves. From Michael Jackson-inspired foot glides to spins and even hat tricks, the dude's got an arsenal of impressive hip hop moves.
If you're looking for outdated magician's hat tricks then you've come to the wrong place. But if you're looking for a way to move like a smooth criminal and impress the ladies, then you've just met your guide to your next date.
Want to turn your blah breakdance routine into a stunning, pro-level flip fest? Then take a look at this breakdancing video to learn how to do a hip hop knee spin. This knee spin can be incorporated into your breakdancing for an extra special twist that will definitely leave an impression.
Need a few cool moves to show off the next time you're trying to impress the ladies at a club? Then check out this helpful video to learn a sequence of tutting moves (a type of street dance that emphasizes right angles) and popping.
G-DRAGON is one of the biggest names in K-pop, and like many K-pop stars of late is an absolutely phenomenal dancer. Watch this video to learn all of the steps to the dance from his music video for the song "Heartbreaker".
Tutting is basically the human body's way of trying to become a square. Or a triangle. Or a rectangle. That's because tutting is a type of street dancing that involves moving the body to create geometric positions, usually with right angles.
Want to learn a sexy dance move that'll impress at the club but is also super easy to learn? Then check out this dance tutorial to learn how to do the booty shake, AKA Beyonce's signature/go-to dance move that involves popping your booty in and out while holding your arms bent at the elbows and pumping.
When rap sensation Soulja Boy came out with his namesake hit "Crank That (Soulja Boy)" in 2007 you could walk past a single neighborhood block without witnesses at least one kid out in his driveway practicing the arm swishes and leg pops.
These days we're used to triple threat stars who, for instance, act, dance, and sing. But stars that excell at all three are as difficult to find as a needle in a haystack.
There are few things we'd like to bring back from the '70s: After all, living through super flared bell bottoms, afros bigger than our body, and peace sign shades once was enough. Though we're glad the trendy style of the '70s has faded like yesterday's news, we do love pulling out our Disco Era dance moves.
Like a scene from Inception, professional hip hop dancer and choreographer Scotty Nguyen's latest video plays with gravity to the tune of Usher's "There Goes My Baby." Scotty performs with fellow professional dancer Tracy Shibata (who is currently on tour with Rihanna).
The body wave is a very simple move to understand and a great move to learn if you're just starting to take hip hop dancing lessons. The move involves moving the body like a wave, rolling smoothly from the head, neck, and butt.
If you've watched any of Beyonce's music videos, then you know the girl likes shaking her ample bootay. A move she's done in several videos is the crunk, which is a basic thrusting of the pelvis with the knees bent and the arms bent inwards at the elbows.
Tutting has taken the art of walking like an Egyptian to a whole new level. If you've already got some basic moves down and you're looking to improve the creativity and smoothness of your tutting, check this video out. It offers tips on positions, transitions, and improving you style to make your tuts more epic than ever before.
It's hard to start learning a new style of dance without someone to show you how the basic steps work. If you like finger tutting and need some help with the basics, this video is here for you. It will teach you all about tracing, starting hand positions, and other basic finger tutting techniques.
The variety of tutting combos you can learn and create is limited only by your creativity. If you've already got some good moves and you're looking for an advanced combo to add to your repertoire, watch this video. It will teach you step-by-step how to do a really hot tutting combo.
C-walking and ticking are great ways to lead into a breakdance or just get down with your bad self, and there are always new steps to add to your walk. This video will show you how to do a Vglide or ticking float (there seems to be some disagreement on the title).
Michael Jackson showed the world just how cool it was to slide across the floor as part of your dancing, and the world will never be the same. Glides and gliding are a ubiquitous part of hip-hop dance now, and are a great move to add to your arsenal. This two-part video will teach you the basics of gliding, but you won't be at MJ level quite yet. If you are, please make a how-to video of how you do it.
Tutting is one of the most fun styles of hip-hop dance, and the lack of major leg movements means you can do it even in limited space or with limited coordination. This video will show you how to do a couple of really cool tutting combos that will win you battles and earn you mad respect on the dancefloor.
Gliding is one of the most important parts of hip-hop dance. It basically means sliding around the dance floor in a rhythmic, stylish way, and this video will show you how to do it like a pro. You don't have to be advanced already, it breaks it down real slow so you can make sure you learn the move properly and then dance you butt off!
Krump is one of the most unconventional hip-hop dances, and there is a special emphasis on achieving a nasty sort of style while you're doing it. This video will teach you the basics of krumping, including stomps, arm swings, and buck ups. It also offers tips on achieving that nasty attitude you're going for when you krump.
Tutting is one of the most versatile types of popping, and has become popular in the rave community because it's emphasis on hand and finger moves translates well to light shows. This video is a basic tutting tutorial for ravers to get acquainted with the theory of tutting and some basic moves to get started.
The body wave has been around since the 1980's, and along with the arm wave forms the basis for all of popping and it's child-styles. You basically have to learn how to a body wave to hip-hop dance, and this video will help you do just that. It explains in great detail how to body wave like a pro.
Head isolations are a type of hip-hop moves where the head moves separately from the body or vice versa, which is central to many popular types of dancing including popping and tutting. This pair of videos offers great step-by-step instructions on how to do different types of head isolations and incorporate them into your dance combos.
Tutting is one of the easiest and most stylish variations of popping, and it can make nearly any hip-hop dance routine more interesting. This video will teach you one cool tutting combo with great step-by-step instructions so that you can add it to your repertoire and use it to run people off the dancefloor.
Tutting is a popular type of popping focused on 90 degree hand movements inspired by depictions of King Tut. This video will show you how to do one very cool tutting combo step-by-step, giving you another piece that you can use to build your tutting routines and kill the dancefloor
The members of Cali Swag District break down their famous "Dougie Dance" for you. Watch this step-by-step as they start from a simple lean and gradually add more steps until you can do their famous hip-hop dance like a pro! If you like the "Teach Me How To Dougie" song, you have to try out this dance!
MBone shows you how to do the dougie dance. Just put your arms out and lean side to side in time with the music. Then add in a few hip hop moves of your own - MBone shows you a few good riffs on the dougie, like popping your collar and the right kind of swagger.
The Pussycat Dolls have achieved more enduring popularity than many thought they would, and their song "When I Grow Up" still gets airplay today. This video for all you hip-hop dancers out there will show you the steps to a great dance you can do to the song, choreographed by Dutch dancer Spikey Lee.
Iyaz is the latest of the Caribbean dance-hall / r&b starts to follow in the wake of Ben Kingston, and his song "Replay" has been a huge hit. If you need a good dance to use for it, look no further! This video will show you all of the choreography for an awesome dance to the song.
Does anyone remember when the Black Eyed Peas made edgy, alternative hip-hop? Seems like forever ago. THey are the kings of pop-hop today, and this video will show you the steps you need to do a great hip-hop dance to their hit song "Boom Boom Pow". Really, "Boom Boom Pow"? That's not a song title, that a drum-machine-onomatopoeia. At least try guys.
Every single Rihanna released these days is a hit, and "Distubia" is no exception. If you like the song and hip-hop dance, you've come to the right place. This video will show you how to do a dance to the song that is sexy, easy enough for beginners, and really cool.
The Pitbull song "Krazy" is a club dancing classic, and many people have choreographed their own dances to the song. This video will show you, in great detail, how to do one cool dance to the song choreographed by the maker of this video. It should look good any time you have the chance to perform it and improve your skills generally.
Isolation is an important part of hip-hop dancing. It involves moving individual parts of your body without moving the rest, either quickly or slowly depending on the dance. This video will show you some ways that you can use isolation to improve your dancing and get better moves.
In this video, we learn how to do the break dance "which-a-way" lock. Start diagonal and put your hands together in front of you. Now, kick front and back, then twist. When you twist, your knee will go into your chest and be raised high in the air. Next, extend your leg and then bring it down to the ground, bringing the other leg up, then rocking between the legs. Start to do this between the legs, moving your upper body with you. Do this faster, rocking from side to side, then put these moves...
In this video, we learn how to do a breakdance crab walk. Start on the ground, bringing the feet into the air. Then, bring the left hand back and your right hand out in front of you. Lean side to side to help you shift your weight. You need to get comfortable with both crab freezes before you will be able to do this completely. Next, you will start to switch your arms while you are doing this, with your legs still up in the air. This takes upper body strength to do, but can be combined with...
In this video, we learn how to do a breakdance "scoo bot" lock. First, start with the feet only and once you master that, add in the arms. Place your heel up and your toes facing up. When you practice, use counts in your head to help keep you on beat. When you lock, you don't want to stay stiff, you want the dimensions changing all the time. Keep your movements low to stay with the beat. If you feel more comfortable going left first, then do this, or vice versa. Continue to practice this and...
Usher and Justin Bieber have created a monster, the youngest R&B phenom since Michael Jackson was fronting the Jackson 5. Since Usher's involved, you know that the dances that go along with Just in Bieber songs are going to be phat. This video will teach you how to do the dance from the video for his song "Somebody to Love" ft. Usher. It breaks it down very slowly and should be as easy as possible for you to learn.
In this tutorial, we learn how to do finger tutting. There are different positions in tutting to help you get to a new one, creating new paths while learning. First, place both your arms on top of each other, then move them adjacent to each other by raising them and popping them. The praying position is also very popular. When you are tutting, think about common positions that are used a lot, then think of how you can get to the tutting by doing different switches and use your fingers more...
In this tutorial, we learn how to do a breakdance "scuba" lock. This is very simple, and you will start off by popping your left foot, then hopping to the right. After this, you will clap your hands to keep yourself on the beat. Now you will push the right knee up, then twist it out to the side using your inner thigh, then kick. After this, switch to the left leg and bring it up, then hop. Do this quickly, so it all looks like one fluid movement. You will practice this going slowly so you learn...
Turf dancing (Acronym: Taking Up Room on the Floor) is a form of street dance of similar vein to krumping. Basic dance elements include mimeing and popping & locking; and the free-flowing style is intended to portray a narrative- not totally unlike Gene Kelly's intention in Singin' In the Rain:
When it comes to hip-hop dancing, one of the most important things is the ability to have great body control. Sure you can learn all the moves and techniques, but if you have bad body control, they won't look as crisp, clean, and sharp.
Boom and clack aren't just two random words that are used when loud things are being banged on. They're two useful words that can be used when beatboxig and when dancing.
Sure, when learning any new dance, there are always steps that are incorporated with that dance style. Hip-hop is probably one of the most different forms of dance that actually welcomes moves and tehcniques that many may not know about or have tried.
In this tutorial, we learn how to master an 8 count hip hop dance with Josh. Make sure you do this in a large room so you aren't running into things as you dance around the room. Start off with your feet straight and bend your knees. Your arms should come up loosely into fists, then drop your right knee in. Your right arm should drop with the knee and then turn to do a half a turn, raising your arms in the air. Count "1,2,3,4" as you are doing each different step, and practice this until you...
In hip-hop dance, or any dance for that matter, there are so many different types of techniques and moves it can be hard to keep track of them all. Most importantly, it can be hard to figure out what you like and how to do it. Well, if you're interested in things like tutting, fingertutting, or digital combos then this video may be for you.
Hip-hop dance is one of the most energetic and possibly coolest form of dance that is out there. There are many different moves that can be done and with the right ones mixed together, can create an awesome looking dance routine. In this quick tutorial, you'll see what it takes to perform a Jabbawockeeze freestyle dance. If you need help, pause the video in order to see what you need to do. Good luck and have fun!
Hip-hop dance is a great and modern dance to pick up on. It's something that can cause you to sweat and will definitely cause your heart rate to go up. There are many steps in hip-hop dance, but this tutorial is going to cover just one.
Janelle Monáe is simply in a class of her own. Genre-bending beats, distinctive fashion sense (à la the fabulous Grace Jones), and sweet dance moves to boot. Whether or not Monáe falls within your musical realm, you've gotta admit: the tiny five-foot-tall singer is chock full of infectious energy and exceptional talent.